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Career Counselor


Phone: ext. 19058

Qualifications: USMC Army Combat Stryker Brigade Instructor B.A. Texas A&M, San Antonio M.A. Our Lady of the Lake University

Career Counselor - Jose Flores

Office- B118

Hello, my name is Jose Flores. I became a School Counselor because of my childhood experiences. I personally experienced  bullying and discrimination. and as an adult I thought about how I could help our young generation navigate their secondary education and career paths. With much enthusiasm, I am ready to listen and help all our students and their families here at Judson High School. More importantly, I will help them to learn about what is the best possible career path without sacrificing academic attainment. Every student must be prepared to face this competitive and challenging time we are faced with. Every company and organization will  look to acquire and hire the most qualified in their field. On the other hand, our military has tremendous advantages for those who want to travel abroad and receive immediate training on future careers after their military service is done. Like so many families in our Judson district, the military has given many a bright past and future.

A brief family overview: my father served in the Army during the Korean Conflict; my oldest brother was a submariner with the Navy; two other brothers were in the Army one was a Medic and the other was a Tank Commander during Desert Storm. My sister is Registered Nurse here in San Antonio, Texas. Excitingly, my daughter graduated from St. Mary’s University this May 2021 with a Forensics Degree and hopes to become a Navy Officer once she finalizes her testing. My son is a Junior this year at Floresville High School and plays football. He is ready to attend Texas A&M and join the Corp of Cadets.

Flores' QR Code


Phone: ext. 19052

Mrs. Sandra Gladden

Career Center Facilitator 

Career Center

ext. 19052

A proud Rocket parent & an Army spouse, Mrs. Gladden loves camping, hiking and tubing in her free time. She has been with JISD for 4 enjoyable years!