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Parenting Social Worker


Phone: ext. 19048 or 210-662-5004

Qualifications: Licensed Master of Social Work

Mrs. Amber Palmer

Parenting Social Worker

Room - H106

My name is Amber Palmer and I am the District School Age Parenting Social Worker.  I am starting my 19th  school year with Judson ISD.  I work with all students in Judson ISD who are pregnant and/or who have a child.  I received my Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from St. Mary's University in San Antonio and my Master's in Social Work at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio.  I have worked in the medical field, adoptions and foster care. 
As the School Age Parenting Social Worker, I am here to provide support and guidance for our students who are parents or soon to be parents attending a Judson ISD school.
Support Services
  • Individual Counseling 
  • Life Skills and Career Counseling
  • Child Care Assistance
  • Transportation Assistance
  • Pregnancy and Parenting Education
  • Serve as a link for students and families to community resources/agencies
  • Academic Support
  • Social and Emotional Support
Program Referral
If you think your daughter is pregnant, or your son might be a father, or your daughter or son have a child, please contact your child's school counselor or Amber L. Palmer.