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Additional Resources & Links



Tutoring: Students may be asked to attend tutoring after school. In addition, peer tutoring is frequently utilized during class time to reinforce learning.


Online resources: Students can find online recordings of music they are working on in class through YouTube, iTunes, and other music databases. Students are encouraged to research their music using various online search engines.


There are numerous websites that can assist students in developing aural skills and strengthening their understanding of music notation and music theory. Some popular websites include: -- Helpful website with lessons and quizzes over basic music reading to advanced chord analysis -- Similar to, lessons and quizzes for basic music reading.


There are also many helpful mobile applications available for Android and iOS.

iPod/iPhone/iPad App Store

Charms Blue (Free)—Mobile access to your choir financial account and calendar

Schoolcode: JudsonHSChoir

Virtuoso Piano (Free) -- A mobile piano at your fingertips!

iTalk Recorder (Free)-- Simple app for recording practice sessions

Android Apps

Charms Blue—Mobile access to your choir financial account and calendar

Schoolcode: JudsonHSChoir

Voice Recorder (Free)-- Simple app for recording practice sessions

Piano Perfect (Free) -- A mobile piano at your fingertips!

Wristband Express (Free) -- Lots of helpful tips for beginning piano players. Thanks for the suggestion, Jack!