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Charms Office

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CHARMS Office Assistant is a web-based management system for music teachers to organize student contact information, inventory, uniforms, trips, fundraisers, forms, etc. It allows directors to access student information, send emails, and manage the details of a choir program from anywhere.

Parents are asked to keep all contact information current so that we can communicate as effectively as possible. CHARMS is a secure site, and information is not shared with third parties.  


Log in to to see the most up to date calendar, access rehearsal tracks, and see your student's account balance.






  • Make sure to click the "Parent/Student/Member" tab.  You will not be able to login as a "Teacher/Helper".
  • School Code = JudsonHSchoir
  • Default, 1st time logging in, "Student Area Password" = Student ID
  • The Charms system forces a password change on your first login.  Students were instructed in class to change their password to their initials, capitalized, followed by their student ID.

* If student ID is only 5 numbers, students were instructed to use their 3 initials, capitalized, followed by their student ID. (password required to by 8 characters minimum)






Charms Blue phone apps available for Android and iOS.

iPod/iPhone/iPad App Store (click logo)

App Store

Charms Blue (Free)—Mobile access to your choir financial account and calendar

Schoolcode: JudsonHSChoir


Android Apps (click logo)

Google Play

Charms Blue—Mobile access to your choir financial account and calendar

Schoolcode: JudsonHSChoir