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Meet the Teacher

Ms. Tonya Jeannine Abbott

I am a native Texan who graduated from the University of Texas.  I have 13 years of educational experience and over 10 years of Business/Marketing experience.  This is my second year at Judson High School.  

This year I will be teaching Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance, BIMI and BIMII.  My schedule for the 2022-2023 school year and contact information is below.

Semester 1

Period 1: Conference

Period 2: Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance

Period 3: BIMI

Period 4: Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance

Period 5: BIMI

Semester 2

Period 1: Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance

Period 2: BIMI

Period 3: BIMII

Period 4:  Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance

Period 5: Conference


Tutoring Schedule: 

Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 8:30 am

Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm-5:30pm


School Phone number: 210-945-1100 ext: 19358