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Hooper, Brian


Phone: 210-945-1100

Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts in English- California State University San Bernardino Master of Arts in Education- Chapman University English Language Arts certification English as a second language certification Special Education Certification Gifted and Talented certification

Mr. Brian Hooper

Hello! I am Brian Hooper. This will be my 11 year at Judson, here is to many more! I will be teaching English 3 this year. I am excited because, American Literature is my favorite. This is my twenty-sixth year teaching, my tenth year at Judson. I have 5 children, the eldest two of which graduated from Judson. I also have a senior and a sophomore.  My beautiful wife teaches at Judson as well, we are a Rocket family. I look forward to teaching your student this year.


My office/ tutoring hours are:

Monday- Friday 4:30- 5:30 PM

or by appointment

If you need to reach me my email is:

1st Period

English III

8:35-10:00 am

2nd Period

English III

10:05-11:35 am

4th period

English III

1:45 am-3:15 pm

5th Period

Academic Decathlon

3:20-4:35 pm

1st Period

English III

8:35-10:00 am

2nd Period

English III

10:05-11:35 am

4th period

English III

1:45 am-3:15 pm

5th Period

Academic Decathlon

3:20-4:35 pm