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Lohse, Sondra


Qualifications: Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science and Leadership Master of Science in Agricultural Communications

Ms. Sondra Lohse

I am excited for the 2022 - 2023 school year! As a Judson Alumni, I am fully committed to the success of the students in the Judson FFA program. 

I received my Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education at Angelo State University, where I competitively judged meats, wool, and livestock; and worked part-time at th ASU Meat Laboratory harvesting and processing beef, pork, and lamb. I received my Master of Science in Agricultural Communications in May of 2017 from Texas Tech University where my focus was marketing the education programs offered in the department. 

Additionally, I completed a five-month internship at the National FFA Organization as the Career Development Events Intern and have worked at a Legislative Assistant at the Texas Capitol during the 2017 legislative session.  

This year I will be teaching the Principles of Agricultural Science and Horticulture courses. In addition to teaching, I manage the Market Goat SAE,  coach LDE and CDE events, supervise Agriscience Fair, supervise livestock projects, make travel arrangements, and manage fundraising efforts. It is my goal to provide students with opportunities they may not otherwise experience - through the classroom and FFA participation.

I look forward to working with Judson High School students this year! 

I have attached the link to our Judson FFA website with additional information about myself and our program.