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Meet the Teacher


Phone: (210) 945-1100 ext: 19422

Qualifications: Master of Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics Education, University of Phoenix (2011) Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences, Texas State University (2006)

Mr. Jesus Lopez

Good day, I am Mr. Jesus Lopez, and this will be my first year teaching.  I am originally from El Paso, Texas and a graduate from Irvin High School, also home of the Rockets.  I have recently retired from the Air Force after 23 years and have now decided to follow my passion to teach.  I have been to several areas around the world defending the freedoms of this wonderful nation.  I entered the military as a bioenvironmental engineering technician and then commissioned as an officer in 2009 in the Force Support career field.

Though I am a first year teacher, I have over 6 years of instructor experience: 4 as a Bioenvironmental Engineering technician instructor while stationed at then Brooks City-Base, Texas, 1 semester as a Math instructor for National American University, and most recent 2 years as a Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) instructor at my alma mater at Texas State University.  

I am married, have three adult children, one dog and one bearded dragon.  I look forward to educating your child and impacting their life in a positive way.  My goal is to ensure they have a better tolerance and understanding of mathematics.