Mr. James Pelllman email:
Physics 1 and Honor Physics
In physics, students conduct laboratory and field investigations using the scientific method, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. The topics include: kinematics (motion), dynamics (Newton’s Laws of Motion), conservation laws, electricity and magnetism, thermal physics, and atomic and quantum physics. Students who successfully complete Physics will acquire factual knowledge within a conceptual framework, practice experimental design, learn to work collaboratively, and develop critical thinking skills.
Reporting Period |
Instructional Unit |
FIRST 9 Weeks |
Second 9 Weeks |
Students are expected to attend class every day. Should a student be unable to attend class (regardless of reason), they should email me to receive materials to ensure access to assignments on Canvas. Any attendance concerns will be managed through the campus attendance office.
Students may use their devices for academic purposes only. A phone charging station is available for use at risk to the owner. The teacher does not claim responsibility for theft or forgetfulness. If a device is found to be distracting, the student will be given a reminder to stay focused and then left to determine their own course of action regarding engagement.
Daily Labs/Quizzes/Tickets: 60% and Tests/Major projects/Major Labs: 40%
There will be a minimum of 2 daily grades per week and 3 Test grades per report card.
Late Work: “Late work is defined as any assignment that is not submitted on its due date, with the exception of make-up work for absences or approved school activities. Teachers are to enter an “M” into the electronic grade book for any assignment a student does not turn in on time. I will not take late points off until the exam date has passed. The day following an exam, all pertinent grades for that unit will lose 5 points until turned in or 1 calendar week has passed.
Please use my district email for all communication. Feel free to contact me at any time and I will be back in touch with you within 24 hours of receiving the contact. You may also leave phone messages at the front office if needed.