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Samelson Massiatte, Sharon


Qualifications: Masters in Education from Schreiner University Bachelors in Art from University of Texas at SA Art EC-12 General Education EC-6 Special Education EC-12 Principal as Instructional Leader EC-12

Mrs. Sharon Samelson Massiatte

Greetings and welcome to the new school year! I am so excited about being your ART teacher! I love to use my imagination and create with my students - I believe that art is a wonderful way to help my students express themselves, which, in turn, helps in their success, not just in academics, but in life - we are always learning and always growing and should never stop striving for greatness!!

A little about me: together, my husband and I have EIGHT wonderful children, one grandson, and two fur babies!
I'm a major fan of good food, road trips, and reading!

Let's fill this year with lots of laughter, knowledge and growth - and remember....I'm here for you!

Term 1Term 2Regular Bell SchedulePep Rally Schedule


Ceramics8:45-10:00 AM8:45-9:50 AM


10:05-11:35 AM9:55-11:15 AM
Art IArt I11:40-1:10 PM11:20-12:50 PM
D LunchD Lunch1:10-1:40 PM12:50-1:20 PM
Art ISculpture1:45-3:15 PM1:25-2:45 PM
Art IArt I3:20-4:35 PM2:50-4:35 PM