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Meet the Teacher

Mr. Charles Smith

Coach / Mr. Charles Smith


I am an Art Teacher & Coach here at Judson High School. This is my 9th here at JHS and my 13th in teaching, all here in the Judson ISD.

I am a proud graduate of Judson High School, Class of ’88. After graduating, I moved to Phoenix, Arizona, received an Associates in Design & Production Art. Came home, enrolled at San Antonio College, and received an Associates in Arts / Advertising. Then went to Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State) and got my Bachelors in Fine Arts / Visual Communication.

I spent 20 years in the advertising world. As much as I loved it, I was missing the hands on part of art that I grew up doing. So I went back to school to get my teaching certificate.

After being offered a position at Judson High School, I was elated! I now got to teach my passion at my alma mater. I was in hog heaven! I was back home!

I have been a baseball coach here since I started, 2013-present, and football, 2018-present is when I started being a part of Friday Night Lights.

If you wish to contact me, you can email me at, or call Judson High School at 210-945-1100.