Classroom Rules & Policies
Classroom Rules
1. Be kind and respectful to others
2. Actively listen to the speaker
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
4. Come to class everyday prepared to learn
5. Please be on time
6. No cell phone use while in class unless given permission
7. Do your best every day.
8. You will get what you put into this course.
1. Safety Glasses are to be worn in all required areas.
2. No Horseplay / No Running.
3. The last 15 minutes of class is Clean Up Time.
4. Safety guidelines will be covered, and students will acknowledge.
5. All tools will be cleaned and put away properly after use.
6. Shop towels to be thrown away accordingly. (Paper towels in trash / Shop rags in used rag can)
7. Seek assistance before lifting heavy objects or attempting a task you are unfamiliar with. (DONT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP)
8. No food in the shop except for dedicated events.
9. Proper attire to be worn when working in the shop. (No short skirts, low cut shirts, open toed shoes, loose jewelry (including watches and rings), long hair tied up).
10. Those who do not wish to participate in the shop activities must stay in the designated area. (No wandering around)
11.The shop is a privilege. Respect the shop or lose the privilege.
12.Respect everyone and their property.