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Meet the Teacher

Mr. Thomas

Hello, I am Mr. Thomas.  I went to St. Philip's College.  While there, I completed a one-year certificate in Automotive Technology.  Then I switched over to the General Motors (GM) Training and completed my A.A.S in GMASEP Automotive Technology.  I graduated at the top of my class with over 90 hours and a GPA over 3.8.  I have worked in the Automotive Industry for close to 30 years now.   Taught at St. Philip's college as an Automotive Instructor from 2003-2019. I have been an ASE Master Technician since 1998.  I have the following ASE certifications (A1- A9, T6, T7, G1, L1, L3)

When I am not teaching or working on cars, I enjoy off-roading, camping, mountain biking and overlanding.